Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013
Projekt - TAU Teil 3 & 4 / Project - TAU Part 3 & 4
Howdy Folks :)
Here we go to the next steps in the TAU Army Project.
Last week I painted 6 Crisis Battlesuits with all weapon options for those and 6 Ghost Battlesuits.
So lets start with the Crisis battlesuits. The customer added in forefield several magnets on the suit itself on all points weapons and upgrades can be assembled. Also all Equipmet itself and all weapons which are allowed to ad to a crisis battlesuit had had magnets and so, as a player, you can choose whatever eqipment and upgrades you want to play and add them just with a silent "click" when the magnets get put together. Its a very cool thing as you can change whatever you want whenever you want from Game to Game.
Werkbank KW 2&3 / Workbench CW 2&3
Howdy Folks :)
It is about 2 weeks that i postet the last Workbench Thread so it is time to cactch up with this and here we go with the new Workbench CW 2 & 3.
The CW 2 was packed with 2 Projects, the Eldar and the Tau.
For the Tau i had to do some things before the painting could start. Cleaning from Moldlines, primering new with the Air Brush and Washing them with the first Glaze and finally starting with the Basing.
The Eldar were ready to finish as they had to go to shipping on friday of CW2. All about the Eldar Project of that week you will find HERE and so i dont go deeper to this on that point here.
CW 3 was totally signed by the Tau Project. We had 6 Ghosts and 6 Crisis to finish.
Samstag, 19. Januar 2013
Warlord Games wird teurer / Warlord Games increases Prices
The new prices come in to effect from the 25th January 2013. We have delayed it as long as possible so not to have an impact on your Christmas purchases and our aim here is to give you all notice in case there is anything you wish to purchase over the next week at the current prices.
There will be nominal price increases on the following product:
- Our metal Bolt Action boxed sets.
- Some Resin Vehicles.
- Bolt Action single figure Reinforcements.
- Bolt Action two figure weapon teams.
- A selection of items found in the armoury section e.g. shields and caps.
- Following feedback from you we are repackaging our Bolt Action Orders Dice into packs of 12 rather than 10. The new price will be £10, but only once current stock of the 10-packs have sold out.
If, in the meantime, you wish to buy 3 or more of the same vehicles just drop us an email to and we’ll make sure you get your eager hands on them!
Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013
Projekt - Eldar Teil 1 & 2 / Project - Eldar part 1 & 2
Hallo Freunde
Was für ein spannendes und fantastisches Kleinprojekt.
Ich durfte für einen Kunden zwei recht besondere Einheiten der Eldar bemalen. Zum einen ein paar Harlequine mit Exarch, die man ja doch recht selten auf den hiesigen Spieltischen sieht und einen kleinen Trupp Eldar Ranger mit Tarnumhang.
Beginnen wir mit den Harlekinen. Ich hatte drei Zinn Blister a 2 Figuren sowie den Eldar Champion, plus den Exarchen in FineCast. Als ich die Blister öffnete musste ich feststellen das jeweils 2 Figuren exakt gleich waren und je 2 vom Körper gleich waren aber andere Waffen und Köpfe hatten. Somit sah das ganze recht eintönig aus da es nur 2 verschiedene Körperformen bei 6 Figuren waren. Ich entschied mich daher die Figuren etwas umzubauen indem ich ihre Pose veränderte und sie dann zusätzlich auf unterschiedlich geformte Scibor Bases stellte und so bei einigen eine wirklich springende Dynamik erzeugte. Alle Figuren stehen auf den fantastisch modellierten Bases von Scibor und sind als Ergänzung einer bestehenden Armee gedacht.
Bei der Bemalung habe ich die herkömmlichen Wege und Farbschemata für Harlequine komplett verlassen und mir eigene etwas buntere und hellere Farbschemata ausgedacht, da die dunklen Varianten doch eher etwas für die Dark Eldar sind. Hierbei konnte ich endlich auch etliche der neuen Eavy Metal Edge Farben einsetzen die wirklich fantastisch sind.
Howdy Folks :)
What a fantastic small project we had here.
I had the Honor to paint a few very interesting models for an Eldar Army for a customer. A Squad of Harlequins including the Champion and an Exarch and a small squad of Eldar Rangers with Camouflage Cloak.
Samstag, 5. Januar 2013
Workbench CW 1 / Werkbank KW 1
Hello Friends
So the new year is just a few days old but the time doesnt stand still.
So this weeks overview Workbench calendar week 1 is a bit longer as i take the last 2 days of 2013 also in it and will make a overview over the next few months whats coming up :)
In the last days of the old year i saw that many projects got some time issues as the christmas days and all arround those days with shopping and preparing kept me away from the painting table. I wanted to finish so many things till End of year and as always the time moved to fast :D Damn why is there no extra days haha.
So i finished the Tomb Kings Project in high level with the Sphinx as real big highlight for me as it is an awesome model as you can see here
To make my son happy i helped him a bit with primering his Mines of Moria stuff so he could paint over the holydays his miniatures. I also worked the last days on the big TAU Project to push it further and did alot of assembling work for 2 small Eldar Projects. So more bout that later on :)
Hallo Freunde
Das neue Jahr ist gerade mal ein paar Tage alt und doch bleibt die Zeit nicht stehen :)
Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013
New Blood Painter / Nachwuchsmaler
Hello Folks
First of all i wish you all a great, powerfull and healthy 2013 \o/
So here i start now a small series of threads about a New Blood in the scene ;)
My Son, since 24.12.2012 9 years old, started to paint 1 year ago. The first steps in his painting career have been some zombies last year to learn some general technics like Base Color, drybrushing and washing.
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