
Freitag, 17. Mai 2013

Eldar Warpspinnen / Eldar Warpspiders

Hello Folks :D

So after a long time and a loads of accidents with those guys i finally can call them finished.
The Base will be made by the customer himself.

On these Minis we see the good oldschool style of Games Workshops Casting, alot of ugly definated parts, beside just 3 Poses and an Exarch Model and so i really look forward to the new Model Line comming with the new Eldar Codex in summer.

let me know what you think about the oldschool castings


Hallo Freunde

Sodale, nach einer langen Zeit und etlichen unvorhersehbaren Unfällen sind sie endlich fertig.
Die Base wird vom Kunden selbst gestaltet.