
Freitag, 28. Juni 2013

Projekt - Dämonen 40K - Kreischer des Tzeentch / Screamers of Tzeentch

Howdy my dear followers :)

As in the workbench June #3 mentioned here we go with the Screamers of Tzeentch. I love those models as they are so awesome casted and so typically demonic.
The colours are the typical tzeentch Colors Combine with some lighter pink and some dark eyes.
he Bases of that army is a ashgrey Dust combined with sculls ( they will be added soon ) I tried to assemble them on the bases with a bit more dynamic like diving down a bit left a bit right.
So those miniatures are the first from the 40k Deamons Army Project
So i hope you like them

here we go

Howdy liebe Lesegemeinde

Wie im Workbench Juni #3 bereits berichtet haben wir hier die Kreischer des Tzeentch.

Workbench Juni #3 / June #3

Hello Folks

so we are on my workbench June #3. Its all about Deamons for Warhammer 40.000. We have a big Guy from Kromlech that will be the big unclean one in another style plus 2 deamon Princes from Legacy Miniatures. Those are very high detailed miniatures from both companys and come in high Quality resin casts. ( GW look at that, thats the was resin miniatures should look like )
The cleaning was very easy as ther was Close to nothing tocleanand the Assembling was very easy too.
Also we have a squad of Thousandsons on theworkbench not showen on the Pictures. A squad of 9 screamers of tzeench were alo ther but they are already finished and will be showen in another blog post.

so here some pics
comments welcome as always

Hallo Freunde

das ist die Workbench Juni #3.

Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013

Space Wolves - Ehrwürdiger Cybot Umbau / Venerable Dreadnought Conversion

Howdy Friends

Here we go with the next part of the last week work on the Space Wolve Army. The Venerable Dreadnought from Forge World converted with weapon arms and weapons from Puppetswars. We have 2 weapon Options on this model as you can see in the Pictures down below. Those parts look a bit heresy like but i like them alot.
This Cybot all in all i can say is a real Eyecatcher in this army and i had a loads of fun to build and paint it :) The hghlight i think is the banner and the Story about it is, as my cusomer has a few tribal Tattoos i thought it would give an extra smile on him when i do some tribal freehand with that wolve on the banner and so ist personalized especially to my customer :D

So nuff the pics

Howdy Freunde

Und weiter geht's mit dem nächsten Teil der Space Wolves Armee an der ich letzte Woche gearbeitet habe. Der Ehrwürdige Cybot der Space Wolves

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Space Wolves Donnerwolf / Thunderwolve

Hello Folks

Here we go with the next update for the Space Wolves Army. The Thunderwolve Champion. Ist also a bit convertet as i used an other backpack caused on the dismatch of the original Citadel FAILCast. I assembled a lil Banner on it to make that Model more clear as Champion of the Unit.
The whole model is Finecast and it was a very very very bad casting. I tried my best to assemble it and make a pretty paintjob. If i would have remodelled the Fails i would have throwen it away haha and bought a new one. And the cost for those emense plus then 10 or mor hours to make it a propper model i must Charge another 40,- euros and so.....

here is what came out

Hallo Freunde

Weiter geht's mit den Wölfen.

Montag, 24. Juni 2013

Space Wolves Vindikator Umbau / Vindicator Conversion

Hello Friends

This is the first of a few new Blog Entries for the Space Wolves Project.

I'm happy to had those nice things on my painting table. It was a bit hard work to make those resin parts from Puppetswar matching perfectly on a Standard Rhino from Games Workshop, as the Rhino needs a bit of cutting and removing parts. So it was a put on, put of, put on,put of until the matching came along and the final Assembling took part :)
After that all went well with the painting and i was very happy to do my weathering Magic again on those models as the customer wants that rusty and used look on every model of the army :))
The final Touch was the very used and rusted shovel in the front which give the models an extra cool look.
Most of the weathering was made with pigments and oil paints and SALT...more about that soon on a Salt Technique Tutorial ;)

So here is what Comes out....enjoy the Pics an feel free to leave some comments

Hallo Freunde

Dies ist der erste von ein paar Update Posts für das Space Wolve Projekt.

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

On the Workbench June #2

Heya my dear followers

jus dropping a few pics from the actual workbench with loads of horses for the Panther Knights of Empire and some 40K Space Wolves .....

Samstag, 1. Juni 2013

New Studio Set Up from Hobby Zone


Howdy Folks

Yesterday my ordered Workbench Addons from HOBBY ZONE arrieved. I really love how professional HOBBY ZONE works. I ordered last Saturday and payment was by Bank Wire so i expected a longer time till i get my order...but NO.

HOBBY ZONE informed me about every step, Order Confirmation, Bank Wire Information, Schipping Information. All very well done and always able to follow via my customer account every step and Position where my order is actually. And finally yesterday all arrived. It was very professional packed and everything was safe and without any demage. Inbetween just 2 Hours all was assembled and i started to reorganise my working desk.

So HOBBY ZONE gets 10 of 10 possible Points for all customer Service they do.

Check yourself the products on

and so here now my new set up :)

Hallo Freunde

Gestern kam meine Bestellung von HOBBY ZONE an. Ich bin wirklich sehr zufrieden wie professionell HOBBY ZONE arbeitet. Ich habe letzten Samstag bestellt, ein tag an dem normalerweise niemand mehr arbeitet. Ich wählte Banküberweisung als Zahlungsart und erwartete deshalb einen längeren Zeitraum bis alles von statten geht. Doch Nein.